The harvest is in the seed


As a unique institution with a continental mandate on inclusive seed sector development, collaboration and partnership at global, regional, and national levels are key.


Member States

The members of AfricaSeeds are the countries listed below, who have been involved in its creation on 27 November 1998, or who joined since then. They are officially represented by their Ministry of Agriculture.

General Meeting

The General Meeting of AfricaSeeds will be take the form of an enlarged Governing Board Meeting which will be open to all Member States and partners.

The meeting will enable Member States and partners to take stock of the work and output of AfricaSeeds and all its partners, as well as the performance of the seed sector in general, and chart a way forward that appropriately addresses the emerging seed sector situation in order to further shape the vision, mission and mandate of AfricaSeeds and its partners.

Governing Board

The Governing Board is the overall oversight body of AfricaSeeds.

AfricaSeeds management regularly consult with the Governing Board.

Scientific and Technical Committee

The Scientific and Technical Committee comprises of 4 to 8 members selected on the basis of their proven technical expertise in the seed sector.

Executive Director

Acts as Chief Executive of AfricaSeeds with responsibility, under the overall authority of the Governing Board, of providing leadership in all activities and functions of the organization.

AfricaSeeds Headquarters and Field Staff

AfricaSeeds Headquarters is in Côte d’Ivoire. AfricaSeeds will maintain a lean and efficient Headquarters staff initially made up of the Executive Director, one Program Manager with a minimum number of professional staff, one Administration and Finance Manager and support staff.

The staffing schedules and staff profiles and conditions are contained in the AfricaSeeds governance manual.


The staff position of AfricaSeeds is initially be strengthened using a pool of ‘stand-by’ experts who are available to meet human resource needs of emerging projects and other assignments.