The harvest is in the seed

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Week 135 – Podcast: Farmer Seeds: A Barrier Against Climate Change?

Author: Sur la Terre, Camille Kauffmann Keywords: farmer seeds, biodiversity “In this new episode of Sur la Terre, a podcast by AFP in partnership with The Conversation, we take a deep dive into the evolution of our food, where it all begins: the seed. Since the beginning of agriculture 10,000 years ago, seed selection has […]

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Week 134 – Technical Guidelines: Seed Testing Methods: A comprehensive overview

Author: Arnab Gupta, South Soudan Seed Hub Keywords: seed testing, quality assurance “Quality assurance in the seed sector is the cornerstone for guaranteeing that seeds sold to farmers and other stakeholders meet stipulated quality parameters. This process encompasses a range of activities, from seed production and processing to labeling and storage, all geared towards ensuring […]

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Week 133 – Seed Sovereignty, a Viable Option for Food and Nutritional Security in Africa

Authors: AFSA Keywords: traditional seeds; farmers seed systems “This publication is a significant contribution to agroecological transition. It is the result of a documentation process of good and lesser-known stories related to traditional seeds, local seeds, and peasant seed systems. The initial stories are provided by seed practitioners. A multidisciplinary review committee then accompanied the […]

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Week 132 – Software: Track & manage seeds with Seed Tracker™

Authors: IITA Keywords: traceability; seed quality assurance “Seed Tracker™ is a fully featured program for real-time tracking of seed production, including pre-planting planning, registration of seed fields, crop management, harvesting, quality assessment and quality assertion.” Click on the following link to access the content: © IITA

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Week 131 – Summary Note: Seed Rights: A Fundamental Human Right for Sustainable and Equitable Food Systems

Authors: Coordination Sud, Action Against Hunger, AVSF, AFD, SOL Keywords: seed access; farmers’ rights “As the first link in agricultural activity, seeds represent a crucial issue for farmers. Since the birth of agriculture, farming communities have freely developed and used species and varieties that meet their needs through selection and exchange. Faced with the excessive […]

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Week 130 – Article – The role of community seed banks in achieving farmers’ rights

Authors: Ronnie Vernooy,Teshome Hunduma Mulesa,Arnab Gupta, Jahangir Alam Jony, Kouablan Edmond Koffi, Hilton Mbozi, P.B. Singh, Pitambar Shrestha, Thabo T. Tjikana & C.L.K. Wakkumbure Keywords: community seed banks; farmers’ rights “The core objectives of the Convention on Biological Diversity and the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA) are the conservation […]

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Week 129 – Book – Seed Science and Technology Biology, Production, Quality

Authors: Malavika Dadlani, Devendra K. Yadava (Eds.) Keywords: seed technologies; production; seed quality “Open access narrative of fundamentals and latest research on seed technology Includes basic and applied aspects of quality seed production, post-harvest handling & quality control Contributions from India, Europe, and USA providing a global perspective on seed technology[…]” Click on the following […]

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Week 128 – Research paper: Farmer participatory seed production: extending the Indian experience to Africa

Authors: Singh, Dheeraj; Choudhary, M.K.; Meena, M.L.; Kumar, Chandan Keywords: seed production, participation, Africa, India, adoption “Quality seed is the key input for realizing potential productivity. In most of the crops, the small and marginal farmers depend on their own farm saved seeds for crop production. Moreover the crops are raised for market and a […]

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Week 127 – Conference paper: Are seed distributions effective? Evidence from a randomly controlled experiment with improved bean seeds in rural Madagascar.

Authors: Bosch, Christine; Zeller, Manfred; Deffner, Domenica Keywords: seed distribution, Madagascar “This paper studies access to and adoption of improved seeds and the diffusion of this information in a remote area in central Madagascar. The analysis is based on panel data gathered from 2009 to 2014 for 390 households in three villages. In 2013 a […]

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Week 126 – Discussion Paper: The impact of Ethiopia’s direct seed marketing approach on smallholders’ access to seeds, productivity, and commercialization

Authors: Mekonnen, Dawit Kelemework; Abate, Gashaw Tadesse; Yimam, Seid; Benfica, Rui; Spielman, David J.; Place, Frank Keywords: maize, wheat, teff, smallholders, Ethiopia, DSM “Several factors contribute to the low level of improved variety use in Ethiopia. Among those, on the supply side, is the limited availability of seed in the volumes, quality, and timeliness required […]

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