The harvest is in the seed

Seed requirements are as varied as the dynamic landscapes of food, agriculture, and the diverse communities they sustain. In its effort to promote a truly inclusive development of the seed sector, AfricaSeeds encourages all seed users to express their specific seed needs and share the challenges they face in meeting them.

AfricaSeeds' participation in SARA provided a valuable opportunity to catalog the existing diversity in seed needs. During interactions, some visitors agreed to share their experiences through videos to help strengthen advocacy for quality seeds for all.

Dr Michael Turner, consultant in seed policies, offers his views on how national policies can influence a more inclusive growth of the seed sector

Mrs Augusta Clottey, of CEO the National Seed Trade Association of Ghana, tells us about the key impact youth and women have in the seed industry

Ms Alice Ingabire, Lead at Access to Seed Index, shows how to better take into account the needs of small seed companies and farmers cooperatives

Ms xxx – Cassava producer in Cote d’Ivoire stresses the importance of creating a reliable source of quality planting material