Authors: Kramer, Berber and Galiè, Alessandra; International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
Topics: seed sector, gender, smallholder farmers, research

All agricultural production – whether of crops, trees, forages, livestock, or fish – starts with seeds, making seed security vital to food security. Seed security means that producers – smallholder farmers especially –

have permanent and unrestricted access to adequate quantities of quality seed that is suitable to their agroecological conditions and socio-economic needs. Efforts to enhance seed security should be inclusive, without disparities related to in-come, social class, age, or gender. Yet, gender gaps reveal themselves across the seed system, including in the breeding, production, selection, and distribution stages, as well as in how the seeds are used and who reaps the benefits from this use.

This brief summarizes results from a portfolio of projects initiated and funded by the CGIAR Collaborative Platform for Gender Research researching about gender in seed systems, and provides an outlook for future research to mainstream gender analysis in seed systems development.

Click on the following link to access the brief: