The harvest is in the seed


12 Oct 2022

Week 73 – Research paper: Harmonizing Regional Seed Regulations in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Comparative Assessment

Authors: Katrin Kuhlmann, 2015
Key words: Legislation, regional harmonization

Throughout sub-Saharan Africa, regional harmonization holds great promise for linking markets and achieving economies of scale, opening up opportunities along value chains and improving livelihoods across sectors, including agriculture.READ MORE

13 Jul 2022

Week 60 – Briefing paper: Zanzibar’s draconian seed law in the offing

Author: African Centre for Biodiversity
Topics: seed laws; biodiversity; farmers’ rights; farmers’ seed systems

This paper highlights the role that seed laws play in facilitating the expansion of the Green Revolution project on the continent, by creating regulatory environments that enable corporate entry and control of seed and agriculture systems.READ MORE