The harvest is in the seed
06 May 2021

Week 28 – Case Study: Improving access to quality seeds in Africa

Author: L. Kimenye; CABI 2014
Subjects: Indigenous Vegetables, Quality Declared Seed, QDS, neglected crops, informal seed system, access to seeds

AIVs (African indigenous vegetables) have traditionally been a significant contributor to food security and nutrition for smallholder farmers in East Africa and are also important in providing incomes, particularly for women. However, farmers’ capacity to meet a growing demand for these vegetables has been limited by lack of good quality seed.


08 Jan 2021
©Springer Nature

Week 13 – Publication: Enhancing Smallholder Farmers’ Access to Seed of Improved Legume Varieties Through Multi-stakeholder Platforms

Authors: Akpo, E., Ojiewo, C.O., Kapran, I., Omoigui, L.O., Diama, A., Varshney, R.K. (Eds.), International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT)
Topics: seed sector, Legumes, Africa, smallholder farmers, partnership

This book shares the experiences of Tropical Legumes III (TLIII) project led by ICRISAT in facilitating access to seed of improved legume varieties to smallholder farmers through innovation platforms. It highlights practices and guiding principles implemented in eight countries of sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia.